With calculator in hand, go through each of the following.ġ. You should be familiar with the basic operation of your calculator. Screens that appear the same on both calculators are shown for the TI-85. TI-86 Note: Because appropriate TI-86 computer linking software had not yet been perfected at the time this material was written, TI-86 screens in this Guide appear smaller than the TI85 screens. Press EXIT or 2nd EXIT ( QUIT) to return to the home screen.Keys to move the blinking cursor over the setting you want to choose and press ENTER.
If you do not have the darkened choices shown in Figures 1 and 2 (below), use the arrow.The window format with GRAPH MORE F3 ( FORMT). Use the following instructions to choose the settings shown in Figure 1. Before you begin, check the basic setup with When using this Guide, you should always, unless instructed otherwise, use the calculator setup specified below for both the TI-85 and TI-86. TI-92 PLUS-VOYAGE 200 POLYNOMIAL ROOT FINDER.TI-92 PLUS SIMULTANEOUS EQUATION SOLVER.